Hironhack Prework challenge 1: citymapper
The task was to address the issues related to purchasing tickets within an urban mobility app.
When I initially approached this task, I immediately thought about the frequent users of public transport. However, I also considered the difficulties faced by individuals when traveling to unfamiliar places. It would be incredibly helpful if they could conveniently purchase and store tickets within an app they frequently use.
After conducting interviews, I realized that this problem is even more prevalent than we had initially anticipated. Additionally, I discovered that some people encounter other inconveniences, such as language barriers, age-related challenges, or the need to research transportation options prior to traveling. Therefore, it should be easy for anyone, especially travelers, to navigate and pay for public transport tickets.
When brainstorming solutions for this problem, numerous ideas came to mind. After careful analysis, I decided to introduce a feature within the app that allows users to directly purchase tickets. They can select from either single or multiple trip options, and the app will generate a QR code. By scanning this code at any transportation entry point, users can effortlessly pass through without any complications.
To summarize, users can search for their desired trip, select their preferred transportation method, make the payment, and receive a QR code. This code can be scanned at the entry points, eliminating any inconveniences associated with physical tickets or passes.